Supporting a Range of Learning Differences
Every child deserves to experience the joy of mathematical discovery. Traditional teaching methods often rely on language and create frustration rather than understanding. That’s where Stern Math shines—our tools and methods are uniquely effective at meeting these learners where they are, empowering them to succeed.
Stern Math is effective for a large number of different learning differences. Including non-verbal learning, developmental delays, dysgraphia, autism specrum disorders and many more. The structured yet
flexible design of our tools adapts to a wide range of needs, ensuring an inclusive learning experience.
(If you don't see your LD here don't worry! Keep reading, we've found that very effective cross-over and don't hesitate to reach out.)
Most Common
Get Started!Learning becomes positive and fun because the materials lead to the right answer without negative feedback from educators.
Get Started!Freed from a focus on reading, kids have room excel in tasks visual-spatial reasoning (which studys show isoften an area of strength).
Get Started!Multisensory learning keeps minds and hands engaged. Our focus on games making repeated practice fun and retains attention.
Student Impact
Evan, a bright ten year old with dyscalculia, tested at a first grade level in math. He was really struggling in his 4th grade math class and failing to memorize the math facts as they were being presented. After working with his Stern Math tutor for 8 months, he made great strides and announced, “You know what! I love math!” After another year of tutoring, he caught back up with his grade level. His relationship with math was transformed and he is now in college and studying calculus.
Betsy, an autistic student was taught with Stern Math beginning at 8. Although she was nonverbal, she was able to learn math with ABA and Stern. As she played with the materials, she gained foundational concepts in math. Her teachers found that over the next two years, Stern materials continued to foster excitement and interest in math.
*student names have been changed for anonymity
Additional Resources for Educators and Parents
We know that supporting a child with learning disabilities is a team effort. That’s why Stern Math offers:
- Educator Trainings: In person or Zoom Training classes to learn how to use our materials most effectively.
- 1-1 Consultations: Set up a meeting with our team to discuss what materials will work best for your specific classroom or child
- Tutoring: We have a team of tutors who work both in person and over Zoom to help struggling students
- Ongoing Support: Our team is here to answer your questions and celebrate your student’s successes.