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Learning Numbers 1-10 Set A

Learning Numbers 1-10 Set A

SKU: 7000A_

Grade Level: PK, K, and 1

Don't memorize, play and build number sense!

$330.00 USD

120 multisensory materials you need to teach kids math through 1st Grade. Each book comes with self-correcting lessons and games that are fun and effective.

Scroll to the bottom of the page to see one of the games in action!

Student Workbook for Structural Arithmetic I can be ordered separately. 

Concepts Explored

Numbers 1-10, Addition/Subtraction, Time, and Money

Handmade in Vermont

Our products, made of heirloom quality wood, are meant to be dropped, shared, and played with. Products are finished with either a clear protective coating or paint. Each coating has been stringently tested for safety and exceeds US safety standards.

Shipping & Returns

Our current lead time is 1 week.

You have 30 days to return any new, unopened items. Customers credited for products, but are responsible for return shipping and handling.

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Success Stories

Evan, a bright ten-year-old with Dyslexia in a regular school, tested at a first grade level in math. By fourth grade it was evident that he also had Dyscalculia and that his lack of basic number sense and math knowledge had become untenable. He could not deal with multiplication at all and could not memorize  times tables to find solutions. After working with his Stern Math tutor for 8 months, he made great strides and announced, “You know what! I love math!” After another year of tutoring, he caught back up with his grade level. His relationship with math was transformed. He is now in college and taking calculus.

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